The Himalaya are generally too high, dry, uninhabited and inaccessible for commercial ski resorts but it is the region that skiChina is most interested in for big mountain backcountry ski options in China. From a skiing perspective, most of the massive mountain range is not worth exploring just based on climate and elevation. There is a particular region that could be of interest to professional big mountain skiers who have the desire and ability to travel in remote alpine locations. Jeremy Jones and Sherpas Cinema have both released films with comparable terrain in the Nepalese Himalaya and we have scouted a similar spot that could be prime for filming in 2015/2016. Contacts us at info@skichina.com for further details.

East of the Himalayas. Photo Credit: Tamotsu Nakamura/Silver Turtle Expedition

Nepalese Spine. China has very similar terrain. Photo Credit: http://andrewmillerphotos.com
Charlie - Do you know any Red Panda inhabited regions of the himalayas w/ ski acessible terrain? Thanks! (Doing research of places to ski where the red panda could be spotted ☺️)