Yabuli is 3.5 hours and 240k from Harbin.
There are two ski operations here. The left side of the mountain hosts a more traditional Chinese ski area where most people rent their gear and hang out in a basic ski lodge. There are both luxury and budget lodging facilities close by. The lift access on this side runs a bit higher and although it goes all the way to the summit (1300m) it is reserved for racers and not often open to the public. There is an option to hike up to access some fresh snow where the summit trees thin out near the top.
The right side of the mountain is the luxury ClubMed hotel complete with bars, trapeze, pools, gyms, fine dining and gondola. The terrain on this side was standard low elevation forest skiing. This is to an all inclusive resort experience where skiing is one of many fun thing to do.

Trails with summit in background

The ClubMed/ Sun Mountain side of the resort has a nice gondola and perfectly groomed trails

The hotel is really nice. It even has a trapeez inside!

The other side of the mountain hosts a traditional Chinese style lodge